



school history course, children with intellectual disabilities, children with special educational needs, special education, inclusive education


The article defines the tasks of the school history course for students with intellectual disabilities, emphasizes the importance of forming elementary theoretical knowledge about the past of our country and the formation of subject skills in students of this category. Essential knowledge and skills include: possession of the most important facts from the history of Ukraine, the formation of historical ideas about the most important socio-historical events and phenomena, students' assimilation of historical concepts available to them (specifically historical, general historical and sociological) and knowledge of the most famous historical heroes of the past era The importance of the corrective and developmental component of history lessons for children with intellectual disabilities, both in special institutions of general secondary education and in inclusive classes, is emphasized. Methods of development and correction of perception, thinking, attention, imagination and memory in history lessons are proposed. The ways of development and correction of speech in children with intellectual disabilities in history lessons are described. Emphasis is placed on the importance of explaining historical concepts, repeatedly saying new terms about oneself and out loud, memorizing them, repeatedly using learned concepts at different stages of the lesson, consolidation with game methods and techniques, independent explanation of historical concepts based on a dictionary, etc. The importance of the development and correction of the emotional and volitional sphere in students with intellectual disabilities is emphasized and ways of working in this direction are proposed. The article focuses on the educational potential of the school history course. Effective methods and techniques for the formation of national self-awareness in students, patriotic education, respectful attitude towards representatives of different nationalities, their customs and traditions, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other peoples, nations, ethnic groups and races are proposed.


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