


visualization, infographics, children with SSD, severe speech impairment, computer programs, applications


The article substantiates an important aspect of speech therapy practice, namely the role of modern digital technologies in visualization and corrective speech therapy work with children who have severe speech disorders (SSD). The article is devoted to analyzing the features of using visualization and infographic methods in a speech therapist's work in order to improve communication skills and speech development in the target audience. The essence of the concepts of “visualization” and “infographic” is considered, the possibilities of using computer programs and applications to create visual materials that are important tools in the work of speech therapists are described. It is important to note that the use of visualization allows creating visual and understandable materials for children, helping to improve their understanding and perception of information. An analysis of various purpose-oriented programs and applications that can be successfully used in speech therapy work with children who have severe speech disorders is provided. Such programs and applications include TalkLink AAC, Boardmaker, Speech Blubs, Proloquo2Go, Speechy, TouchChat, and others that allow creating individualized materials for each child with SSD. It is noted that such programs and applications contribute to the development of various skills, including vocabulary development, sentence formation, articulation, reading and writing. The programs and applications provide speech therapists with tools to create effective correctional programs that take into account the needs and capabilities of each child with severe speech disorders. The author highlights online and offline services for creating speech therapy infographics, such as PowerPoint, ActivInspire, Infogr. am,,,, which help speech therapists create visual and informative materials for teaching and developing speech in children with severe speech disorders. The article points out the importance of integrating digital visualization and infographics into the practice of speech therapists as an effective means of improving the quality of speech therapy work and achieving successful results in the correction of severe speech disorders in children


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