


rehabilitation centers, rehabilitation, social and rehabilitation assistance, psychophysical developmental disorders, special educational needs, medical institutions, children with disabilities


Rehabilitation centers are specialized institutions or facilities that provide comprehensive medical, psychological and social assistance to people with various types of physical or mental disabilities, injuries or diseases. Their main goal is to rehabilitate and restore body functions, improve the quality of life and integrate patients into society. Such centers usually offer a variety of therapeutic, rehabilitation and social programs aimed at improving the physical condition and psychological well-being of people with disabilities and psychophysical developmental disorders. There are a large number of rehabilitation centers in Europe that specialize in helping patients with different types of needs. These centers can offer a wide range of services, including physical therapy, rehabilitation after surgery, treatment of injuries, and rehabilitation for people with disabilities such as disabilities, nervous system diseases, congenital disorders, or difficulties with locomotion. Rehabilitation centers in European countries (Germany, France, Poland) are usually known for their high quality of services and the use of modern treatment methods. They have qualified professionals, including doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, speech therapists, and other specialists who work on individual programs for each client. Many rehabilitation centers also work with insurance companies or health funds to pay for services. These centers usually provide high-quality care and support to patients in restoring their physical condition and psychological wellbeing. Today, rehabilitation centers in Ukraine specialize in providing different types of services for patients with different needs. Some of them are mainly aimed at medical rehabilitation after surgeries, injuries or illnesses, while others focus on social or vocational rehabilitation. These institutions are divided into: medical, psychiatric, social, oncological, children’s, neurorehabilitation rehabilitation centers. These rehabilitation centers can provide a wide range of services, including physical and psychological treatments, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, rehabilitation exercises, as well as counseling support and training in self-advocacy or independent functioning.


Бісмак О. В. Реабілітаційних закладів в Україні. Освітологічний дискурс, 2015, № 4 (12). С. 1–12.

Литовченко С. Навчально-реабілітаційний центр як сучасна форма організації освіти дітей із порушенням слуху. Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. № 1, 2017. С. 78–85.

Остролуцька Л. Розвиток центрів реабілітації дітей та молоді з інвалідністю в Україні (90-ті рр. ХХ – початок ХХІ століття). URL:Остролуцька%20Л.І.pdf

Реабілітаційні послуги: які вони нині в Україні та світі, і чи змінить ситуацію новий законопроект. URL:




