


partnership interaction, inclusive education, team of psychological and pedagogical support, children with special educational needs


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of scientific sources and legal documents that highlight the essence, features and difficulties of partner interaction of specialists in the inclusive education of children with special educational needs. The significance of partnership pedagogy and partnership interaction of specialists in the educational process is substantiated; theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of «partner interaction» are analyzed; the components and content of partnership interaction are described; it is emphasized that the partnership interaction of specialists in an inclusive institution goes beyond the sphere of «teacher» – «student» – «parent» and involves the involvement of all specialists of the team of psychological and pedagogical support; emphasis is placed on the features of partnership interaction between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant in an inclusive class: its importance is proven, the content of the interaction between a teacher and a teacher’s assistant is described, it is emphasized that it is one of the important conditions for the effectiveness of teaching children with special educational needs; the main aspects of the interaction of the teacher of the inclusive class with the special education teacher and the practical psychologist, which relate to the education of children with special educational needs, are noted; the difficulties of partner interaction of specialists in the inclusive education of children with special educational needs are formulated; conclusions were made about the need to develop methodological support for the formation of partnership interaction of participants in the educational process in an inclusive institution.


Нова українська школа : концептуальні засади реформування середньої школи. URL:

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