


speech development, speaking skills, preschoolers, combined disorders


The article describes the results of the study of the formation of speech skills in children with combined disorders. The variety of speech heard by the child, he chooses, assimilates and creates what he needs to solve the communicative tasks that appear before him in connection with the peculiarities of life at this stage of development. It is the development of communicative activity that determines the development of speech, and not vice versa. Thus, the speech of children of the same age, but different levels of communication development, differ significantly. The speech of children who are of different ages, but are at the same level of communicative activity, is approximately the same in terms of lexical composition, the complexity of grammatical design, and the length of sentences. This is explained by the fact that communicative tasks typical for a certain level of communication development determine selective perception and appropriation by children of various features of the speech they hear. According to typical communicative tasks, children with different forms of communication identify and assimilate various lexical and grammatical features in this language material. Therefore, for the development of a child’s speech, it is not enough to offer him only a variety of language material, it is necessary to set new communication tasks for the child, which would require new speech means of communication. It was found that children with combined disorders have an underdevelopment of the meaningful side of speech and pronunciation of sounds, the lexical-grammatical composition of the language, and the dictionary. Such speech disorders arise as a result of profound visual disturbances caused by a visual analyzer disorder, and early speech underdevelopment is also observed. Most of the children in the experimental group were characterized by low cognitive activity, as the children almost did not ask questions; children’s speech is somewhat slowed down; own speech initiative occurs extremely rarely. The preschoolers answered the questions with a delay, not always accurately, with simplified speech constructions. Children’s limitations in vocabulary selection, especially verbs, were observed. Children did not show interest in speech contacts both during walks and during play activities. In general, preschoolers with combined disorders are not sufficiently oriented in communication situations caused by certain types of activities.


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