


inclusion; inclusive culture; educational space; participants in the educational process; educational process


The article examines the problem of forming an inclusive culture of participants in the educational process, as a basis for the success of the organization of inclusive education. The scientific and theoretical analysis of the literary sources proved a significant increase in the interest of scientists in inclusion and «inclusive culture» as an integral component of its successful implementation. The views of domestic scientists on the concept of «inclusive culture» were analyzed, its content was determined, and the necessity of its further development and formation of a humane attitude towards children with special educational needs in society was proved. Empirical research has proven the relationship between the level of formation of an inclusive culture and the involvement of participants in the educational process in relation to inclusion. The results of the study clearly prove the difference in views and levels of formation of an inclusive culture between students and parents who receive education in the conditions of inclusive education and in general conditions. The influence of the level of parents’ awareness of the specified problem and the level of formation of their inclusive culture on the formation of the inclusive culture of students and their contact with students with special educational needs has been proven. According to the results of the experiment, the main reasons for not accepting persons with disabilities or children with special educational needs for social interaction, which stand in the way of the development of an inclusive culture of participants in the educational process, have been identified. The main obstacles to the formation of an inclusive culture are defined as: low public awareness of the basic concepts of inclusion and the conditions for the implementation of inclusive education, which causes negativism or aggression among the parent team; existence of social stereotypes and prejudiced attitude towards persons with disabilities; insufficient level of educational work within the walls of general education institutions with participants in the educational process. Further avenues of research are planned in order to overcome the main obstacles in the formation of an inclusive culture of participants in the educational process.


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