the correctional teacher; motivation of educational activity; younger schoolchildren; autism spectrum disorders; the personality of the correctional teacherAbstract
The article highlights the results of research of the role of SEN teacher in forming the motivation of educational activities of primary schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders. It was found out that the motivation in education can be based on the needs of students, cognitive interest, emotions that arose during the lesson, an ideal, an attitude. The methods of research are based on the analysis of references and the survey of SEN teachers. The factors of the development of learning motives at the primary school age, the peculiarities of learning motivation in children with autism spectrum disorders, the role of the teacher in the formation of students’ motivation to learn were considered by the author. The conducted survey of specialists shows that SEN teachers deeply realize the role of motivation of educational activities in achieving the success of students with autism spectrum disorders. The personality of SEN teacher and the learning process are among the most important factors of positive motivation to study. Highlighting the most acceptable personal qualities of SEN teacher, which positively influence the formation of motivation of the educational activities of students with autism spectrum disorders are creativity, the ability to cooperate, tolerance, patience, balance. Among the methods of increasing the motivation of students with autism spectrum disorders in their work, SEN teachers mostly use encouragement, a comfortable psychological atmosphere, praise, interest, and the creation of situations of success. Special educational needs teachers also believe that parents play an important role in the formation of learning motivation, and they use incentives, money, gadgets, and gifts as ways to increase learning motivation. It was established that the role of the SEN teacher in forming the motivation of the educational activity of students with autism spectrum disorders is extremely important, and to increase the motivation of the educational activity of students with autism spectrum disorders, it is necessary to use various methods, means and methods of stimulation.
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