dyscalculia, primary school students, developmental Psychophysiology, speech disorders, speech therapy workAbstract
The article substantiates the psychological and pedagogical approach to determining the problem of dyscalculia in primary school students with speech disorders. It is determined that the study of the phenomenon of dyscalculia in theoretical and methodological terms is of great importance. It is established that dyscalculia, as a specific violation of the development of school skills, is a problem associated with significant difficulties of students in mathematics lessons. The article reveals the theoretical aspects of dyscalculia, provides classification, mechanisms and symptoms of the disorder. World and domestic experience proves that speech disorders in students can not but affect the mastery of mathematical skills and abilities. Therefore, timely speech therapy work on the correction and Prevention of dyscalculia in primary schools gives a more successful result. In the process of speech therapy work on the prevention and correction of dyscalculia in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders, practical, visual and verbal methods are used. The article presents pedagogical conditions for the development of mathematical knowledge. It is concluded that prevention, early diagnosis and correction of dyscalculia in primary school students is of great theoretical and practical importance, since successful mastery of counting and computational operations is one of the necessary conditions for school performance.
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