movlyanka, computer tool, software and pedagogical tool, development of the language sphere, children with special educational needs, preschool age, utilization methodology, corrective workAbstract
In the publication, an analysis of the utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the variability of their application in teaching children with special educational needs is presented. The focus is on the development of the language sphere in preschool-age children with specific educational needs such as developmental delay, autism spectrum disorders, severe speech disorders, and intellectual disabilities. The authors have developed a computer program called «Mobile and Computerized Pedagogical Tool ‘Movlyanka’» (hereinafter referred to as MPT ‘Movlyanka’) for children aged 4, 5, 6, and 7 years to enhance their speech abilities. The principles and methodology of using the computer program «Mobile and Computerized Pedagogical Tool ‘Movlyanka’» (MPT ‘Movlyanka’) are disclosed. The methodology includes justifying the requirements for implementing computers in the educational practice of preschool children with special educational needs and the directions for its use in the educational process in preschool educational institutions (kindergartens), inclusive resource centers, and educational-rehabilitation centers. It encompasses a description of modern software and pedagogical tools for language development in children aged 4–7 years and an investigation of their practical application. The publication provides recommendations and requirements for creating a software and pedagogical tool and highlights the use of computers for the development of the language sphere in preschool-age children (4, 5, 6, and 7 years old) with developmental delay (DD), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), severe speech disorders (SSD), and intellectual disabilities. The MPT ‘Movlyanka’ is presented as a practical example. The organization of corrective work for children within the computer game complex is described, and the advantages of the developed computer program MPT ‘Movlyanka’ are outlined. Each of the three parts of the MPT ‘Movlyanka’ consists of two sections: «Fairy Tale Conversations» and «Fairy Tale Workbook.» Each section covers specific topics.
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