


children with special needs, integration, pedagogical aspect of parental competence, family, socialization, social environment


The article deals with the inclusion of children with special educational needs in the social environment in modern conditions. The peculiarities of development of children with special needs are studied, the originality of their interaction with the social environment is considered. The concept of «socialization» and its main components are revealed. The peculiar features of the development of children with special educational needs are characterized, which can contribute to the development and improvement of other abilities and characteristics of students, and the inability to meet some needs in a particular activity makes it possible to compensate for its development by achieving success in other areas of life. It has been established that the socialization of children with special needs is influenced by many factors and micro-factors that affect the child’s further development. It is determined that the main organizational form of social adaptation and integration into society of children with special needs in the educational environment is inclusive education, which includes such children in the social environment. The socialization of people with special educational needs also takes place in other types of educational institutions, such as educational and rehabilitation centers and educational complexes. Their conditions open up wide opportunities for the socialization of such children, and also develop their ability to change the environment by influencing it. The article deals with the upbringing of children with special needs in the family, the purpose of which is to show their importance for society and to reveal the potential of their capabilities for the integration of children into the social environment. Parental competence is characterized as an important factor in the development of a child with special educational needs. It has been established that the family is the best environment for the development of a child’s personality, the main institution of education, which plays a significant role in the development of society, especially if this child is limited in his or her capabilities. It is parents and other family members who play a crucial role in ensuring that a child develops, socializes, and becomes a person who can make independent decisions and take an active role in life. The article substantiates the reasons for the unsustainability of the modern system of “work with families”. The influence of parents of children with special needs on the system of rehabilitation services and on government decision-making in this area is determined.


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