


autism, coherent speech, preschool age, corrective pedagogy, special education, speech disorders, social adaptation, communicative skills, individual approach, interdisciplinary analysis


The article is dedicated to the interdisciplinary analysis of the development of coherent speech in preschool children with autistic disorders, a topic that is highly relevant in the fields of corrective pedagogy and special education today. The work is based on a comprehensive approach to studying the speech characteristics of children with autism, taking into account psychological, pedagogical, and neurological aspects. The article presents an in-depth analysis of literature, observations, and experimental results, providing a holistic view of the characteristics of coherent speech in preschool-aged children. Special attention is given to the identification of speech disorders such as echolalia, limited vocabulary, and difficulties in understanding and using language in social contexts. The research methodology encompasses a wide range of approaches, including qualitative and quantitative data analysis collected through observations, testing, and interviews with educators and parents of the children. This comprehensive approach ensures the reliability and objectivity of the results obtained. One of the key conclusions of the article is the confirmation of the hypothesis about the significant impact of autism on the development of coherent speech, which manifests in various speech characteristics and communication difficulties. Another important aspect is the consideration of strategies and methods for corrective work aimed at supporting the speech development and social adaptation of children with autistic disorders. The article emphasizes the need to develop individual approaches in working with each child, taking into account their personal characteristics, level of speech development, and the specifics of autistic disorders. Such an approach will allow for effective integration of the child into the social environment and facilitate their full development. The research results have significant practical value for professionals in the field of special education and corrective pedagogy, offering them valuable recommendations on methods and techniques for working with children with autistic disorders. The article can also serve as a basis for further research in this area. The conclusions of the article point to the need for further study of the speech development of children with autistic disorders, as well as the development of new effective correction and support methods that will contribute to their socialization and successful integration into society.


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