


dialogical competence, preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, game approach, DIR-Floortime


The article examines the use of the DIR-Floortime play approach in correctional work with preschoolers who have intellectual disabilities. This approach effectively develops dialogue skills in children by engaging them in interactive and motivating play activities. The authors emphasize that play is a natural environment for children's development as it helps remove psychological barriers, increases motivation, and provides a shared context for communication. The purpose of the study is the analysis and generalization of modern scientifically based knowledge about game technologies and their application in the process of corrective work on the formation of dialogical competence of preschoolers, individualization of means and analysis of barriers in the microenvironment of a child with intellectual development disorders. The article details the principles and methods of DIR-Floortime, which include observing the child, following their interests, creating conditions for motivation towards joint activities, and using non-verbal communication methods. This approach allows for considering the individual needs of each child, creating conditions for their maximum development. The use of the Floortime approach and compliance with the principles of the DIR concept when exerting a corrective influence on the development of communication and speech of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities, according to the authors, will allow intensifying the formation of dialogic communication skills and thus form the basis for their integration into society. The study emphasized that any child who experiences a lack of meaningful communication can benefit from this approach, as it provides the most individualized therapy and involvement of the child's parents in this process. As part of a pilot study with an analysis of the features of communication between parents and children during joint play, the main barriers to the formation of dialogic skills were outlined. The authors note that the Floortime approach can be integrated into various educational and rehabilitation programs, making it a versatile tool in working with children with special educational needs. In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of using DIRFloortime, emphasizing its importance and effectiveness in correctional pedagogy for developing dialogue skills in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities.


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