spiritual and moral education, preschool age, training and education programs.Abstract
The article analyzes the content of preschool children’s software in the aspect of spiritual and moral education. It has been found that in the concept of the Ukrainian educational ideal, spiritual and moral education is a component of national, national-patriotic education, which is emphasized in a number of works of representatives of Ukrainian pedagogy of the present and past. Spiritual and moral education in the works of teachers is based on the education of Christian values and is aimed at the revival of morality in Ukrainian society with the elevation to a high level of its spiritual culture, education, science and art. A theoretical analysis of educational programs, in particular “Child in preschool years”, “Sunflower”, “Confident start”, “Treasury of morals”, “Ukrainian kindergarten”, “I am in the World”, proved the orientation of their content to the development of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, which actualizes their wide use in modern conditions of the development of Ukrainian society against the background of improving the quality of national education of the younger generation. In the partial programs “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children based on Christian values” and “Seed of love”, the emphasis is on the formation of skills in children: socially recognized behavior, the ability to navigate in the world of human relationships, readiness to empathize and sympathize with others. The carried out analysis of the programs proved a purposeful focus on the formation of the value foundations of the child’s personality, the development of spiritual and moral feelings, the assimilation of norms and rules of behavior, spiritual and moral habits, which will ensure their full development at the next stages of life.
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