COVID-19, women, psychophysiological functions, sleep, depression, vaccination.Abstract
The study is devoted to the study of psychophysiological aspects in people who have recovered from COVID-19 disease and those who received the Pfizer vaccine. The survey involved 102 women, whose average age was 47,34 ± 0,66 years. A comprehensive study included an analysis of the level of depression in the above-mentioned persons using the Beck Depression Scale, detection of the degree of daytime sleepiness using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale diagnostic questionnaire, and assessment of sleep quality during the last month using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire and observations of the examinees regarding their mental state, including the level of depression and indicators of sleep quality, showed that the disease of COVID-19 has a significant impact on the psychophysiological parameters of women. Post-COVID syndrome has been shown to cause depression, loss of interest or pleasure, decreased energy, impaired concentration, appetite, quality and quantity of sleep. Virus-induced immune system impairment can contribute to the development of psychopathology by increasing psychological stress due to suffering a potentially fatal illness and stress-related inflammation. The interaction between the innate and adaptive immune systems and neurotransmitters is the mechanism that underlies mood disorders, psychoses, and anxiety disorders. The stress that accompanies illness can lead to changes in sleep and alertness during the day. Excess energy in the absence of physical activity can exacerbate metabolic disorders, which consequently increases the risk of various chronic diseases. The gut microbiome is potentially a key factor in the development of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, especially in a pandemic. There is also a relationship where microbial metabolites and endotoxins can affect the lungs through the bloodstream, and inflammation in the lungs can interact with the gut microbiota. People who have received the vaccine may feel more secure about being able to avoid severe COVID-19 or transmitting the virus to others. This can have a positive effect on their psychological state. The results of the study can be useful for doctors and psychologists to improve the support and treatment of people who have recovered from COVID-19 and help them recover from this disease.
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