



European Hare, hunting grounds, animals density, number of animals, users of hunting grounds, hunting farm.


The population of the European Hare in the hunting grounds depends primarily on the effectiveness of management by the users of the hunting grounds. A number of circumstances determine the rationality and efficiency of hunting management in general. In particular, the factors determining the animal population include, first of all, the reasonable planning of the scope of operational, biotechnical and conservation measures in the hunting grounds from the economic point of view. The aim of the research is to determine the patterns of the European Hare population in the hunting grounds of the Zhytomyr region in relation to the forms of management by the users of the hunting grounds. In order to determine the characteristics of the European Hare population in the hunting grounds of the region, all users were divided into 3 groups. Group I included forestry enterprises of the Zhytomyr region of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”; group II – USHF; group III – farms of private enterprises, LLCs, public and other organisations. The 12-year period from 2011 to 2022 was chosen for the study. It was found that the density of the European Hare in the hunting grounds of the Zhytomyr region in general ranged from 20,02 to 23,1 individuals per 1 000 ha during the period under study. The average density of the species for the period under consideration was 21,14 individuals per 1 000 ha. In the hunting grounds of group I, the density of European Hare ranged from 8,8 to 11,49 individuals per 1 000 ha. The average density in these conditions is 9,94 individuals per 1 000 ha, which is half the regional average. In group II farms, the species density ranges from 23,24 to 29,9 individuals per 1 000 ha, with an average density of 24,78 individuals per 1 000 ha. This value is typically 1,2 higher than the Zhytomyr region’s average. The density of European Hare in group III ranged from 20,66 to 23,06 individuals per 1 000 ha, with an average density of 21,83 individuals per 1 000 ha. These figures are comparable to the average for the Zhytomyr region. For all three groups of farms in Zhytomyr region, the number of European Hare is most stable in the lands of the third group of users.


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