atmospheric air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, suspended substances.Abstract
Currently, air pollution is one of the biggest problems of our time. The rapid growth of industry, petrochemical products manufacturing, household chemicals, processing of agricultural land from the boards of airplanes, the increase in the amount of landfills and road transport have led to atmospheric air pollution. The purpose of the article is to examine and evaluate the pollutants’ emissions into the atmospheric air in the city of Zhytomyr during 2018–2022. The article highlights the current system of monitoring the state of atmospheric air in Zhytomyr and the findings of monitoring the atmospheric air in the city during 2018–2022, in particular the content of suspended solids, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in the atmospheric air. The dynamics of pollutant emissions from stationary and mobile sources during 2017–2021 were evaluated. It was established that in Zhytomyr region the common pollutants are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust (aerosols). Before the full-scale invasion began, the major source of air pollution was road transport. Regardless of the source, all pollutants that have entered the atmospheric air have a profound impact on human health. Nowadays air pollution is one of the critical dangers for all living organisms, as it can be accompanied by the formation of persistent pollutant anomalies in water, soil and, accordingly, in plants. Being composed of aerosols and gases, pollutants have the property of spreading quickly, creating danger. This is explained by the formation of dangerous pollution centers where living organisms can reside. Dangerous and harmful substances have the ability to easily spread and penetrate the human body. In such conditions, safe air is one of the most important aspects of ensuring safe living conditions for all organisms. During the day, a person in terms of volume consumes atmospheric air more than food and water. Physiologically, the gastrointestinal tract has more protective barriers than the lungs. Therefore, a safe air environment is vital for humans.
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