


GreenPM concept, environmental protection projects, management of eco-projects, sustainable development.


The article considers scientific approaches to the study of the concept of GreenPM in the management of environmental protection projects in the context of sustainable development. The works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of project management are analyzed, taking into account the impact on the environment. When implementing GreenPM, the processes and subject areas of project management are consistent with the environmental aspects of the project. The concept involves monitoring and managing the project’s impact on the environment so that business goals can be achieved while preserving the environment. GreenPM connects project management with environmental protection measures and increases the level of environmental awareness of project participants, regardless of their direct relationship to changes in the environment. A project management model uniting project management and environmental management processes is also considered. The principles of managing the sustainable development of projects are analyzed based on a review of literary sources. It was found that sustainable development approaches can be incorporated into projects using various methods. These are methods of modification and optimization of business processes according to the criteria of sustainable development, dynamic optimization algorithms, simulation modeling, genetic algorithms, etc. GreenPM is part of environmentally sensitive project management and integrates environmental thinking into all decision-making processes in project management. The concept of GreenPM is that, to align the project management process with the impact of the project on the environment, it ensures the achievement of goals while simultaneously reducing the negative impact on the environment and is implemented at all stages of the project life cycle. Its implementation requires a combination of project management methods and approaches with environmental management methods and approaches, as well as the use of communication mechanisms based on GreenPM.


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