territorial communities, rural areas, cluster analysis, administrative system, Sumy region.Abstract
The identification of rural areas within Ukraine is still the subject of complex debate. The ambiguity of results is caused by the absence of standardized criteria to identify rural areas and by different approaches to interpreting their essence. Under such conditions, the most effective tool for identifying rural areas is the use of the best global practices. In this article, for the first time, the rural areas of Sumy region are identified at the community level and mapped based on European approaches and new criteria for determining the types of settlements. It has been established that 37 territorial communities (72,5%) are predominantly rural in terms of their functional type, with almost 75% of the region’s rural population living there. The article shows that this type of areas should also include rural settlements of urban and transitional communities. Based on cluster analysis, five types of rural areas with distinct demographic, settlement, and economic parameters have been identified. The core of the classic rural areas of Sumy region is formed by 24 communities that have a low population density, suffer from the depopulation of the settlement network and the migration outflow. Russia’s full-scale aggression has triggered changes in the development of not only the borderline but also the “rear” rural communities of the region. The region needs to create a modern model of its spatial development, which should take into account probable changes in settlement systems, settlement network and logistics. The differences in the profiles of rural areas described in the article can become the key to the development and implementation of the tasks of such a model. The types of rural areas identified in the study will allow a differentiated approach to the formation of a system of regional policy measures, to the determination of effective tools for the recovery and development of communities in Sumy region in the post-war period.
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