scientific approach, geography of the service sector, service system, anthropogeographic, sectoral-statistical, complexterritorial, historical-geographical, social, demographic, sociological, economic-geographical, informational, synergetic, systemic, spatial (chorological), cluster theory.Abstract
The article considers scientific approaches to the study of the population service system. The works of scientists on this topic, first of all Ukrainian researchers are analyzed and the essential features of these approaches are characterized. The anthropogeographic approach focuses on the geography of human, the geography of the economy is considered as a certain side, a property of the geography of human. The developers of this direction in Ukrainian geography were S. Rudnitsky and V. Kubiyevich, partly О. Dibrova. K. Vobliy and V. Sadovsky laid the foundations for the sectoral-statistical approach for study of service sphere. M. Palamarchuk, F. Zastavny, M. Pistun are representatives of the complex territorial approach. O. Topchiev considers the service sector from the standpoint of a social approach. L. Nemets offers a systematic approach to study the service sector. The informational approach is considered in the works of K. Nemets. Demographic, synergetic, sociological, economicgeographical, historical-geographical, spatial (chorological) approaches and cluster theory are described. The values of scientific approaches in the study of the population service system are analyzed. The authors believe that the most important approach to the study of the service system is a systems approach, which makes it possible to explore it as a complex polystructural system with separate service elements (subsystems) that do not replace each other. However, a comprehensive study of the service system is impossible from the standpoint of any one scientific approach, therefore, the integrated use of the above-mentioned scientific approaches will allow for a spatial-temporal analysis of the service system, identify existing problems and justify recommendations for its further optimal development.
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