



underground water, surface water, hydrochemical investigations, chemical composition, graphite deposit.


The article contains the results of monitoring studies aimed at establishing background indicators (base state) of the quality of surface and underground waters of the Southern section of the Balakhiv graphite deposit. On-site searches included water sampling from wells and surface watercourses and reservoirs. The relevance of the conducted research lies in the need to establish the background values of the main indicators of the chemical composition of natural waters in the territory of the potential influence of mining enterprises. From the obtained results of water samples, it can be stated that the quality of water in general is worse in the studied wells in the village. Oleksandrivka, village Pustelnikove, village of Balakhivka and village Novy Starodub than in the Ingulets River and the Vivnyanka River and, even, in most water bodies – both in quarry lakes and ponds-dams. Exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations in surface and underground waters for such indicators as Ca, Mg, SO4, Na, K and Mn was recorded. The quality assessment showed that the tested natural waters can be characterized as “good”, clean waters of acceptable quality according to the block of general sanitary indicators. The similarity of the studied waters in terms of cationic composition was established, but there are differences in the anionic composition: sulfate ion prevails in surface waters, and hydrocarbonate in underground waters. For the ecological and geochemical assessment of the quality of the investigated groundwater, the criterion of biologically significant concentration (BSC) was applied. Microelement analysis showed a shortage of such microelements as V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in groundwater. The conducted hydrochemical studies made it possible to establish the background indicators of the basic state of the examined territory’s environmental quality. In the future, it is necessary to conduct monitoring observations of changes in the chemical composition of surface and underground waters of the Southern section of the Balakhiv graphite deposit during the operation of the mining enterprise.


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