


Ukraine, Sumy Region, protected areas, botanical gardens, biodiversity, fungi, species composition.


The article is devoted to the study of the species diversity and distribution of phytopathogenic micromycetes of the Botanical Garden of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (Sumy region, Ukraine). Mycological survey of the territory was carried out in 2011–2012, in 2021 and 2024. The checklist of recorded fungi and their host plants is presented. The list includes 89 species belonging to 36 genera, 19 families, 14 orders, and 7 classes of fungi (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) and fungi-like organisms (Peronosporomycota). Representatives of Erysiphales – 28 species, Capnodiales – 18, and Pucciniales – 18, orders were predominant in the Botanical Garden. The species from the three leading orders represent 72% of the total number of identified species. Among the families, Erysiphaceae – 28 species, Mycosphaerellaceae – 17, and Pucciniaceae – 11 were the most abundant regarding the number of species. Among the genera of the fungi, the leading position is occupied by Erysiphe – 14 species, Septoria – 9, Puccinia – 7, Golovinomyces – 6, and Phyllosticta – 6; the rest of the genera revealed the fewer number of species. As a result, seven species of fungi were found on rare species of host plants. On plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, the following are registered: Erysiphe astragali – on Astragalus dasyanthus and Puccinia iridis – on Iris sibirica. On the plants listed in the Regional Lists of rare plants of Sumy Region of Ukraine the following are noted: Golovinomyces cichoracearum – on Inula ensifolia, Peronospora corydalis – on Corydalis marschalliana, Puccinia recondita – on Clematis recta, Alternaria alternata – on Aquilegia vulgaris. The highest species diversity of micromycetes was registered on the territory of the arboretum – 46 species of fungi on 51 species of host plants.


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