


fungi, gasteroid fungi, Basidiomycota, rare species, protected areas.


The research on the species diversity of fungi at Kholodnyi Yar National Nature Park, known for its historical, cultural and natural resources, began in the early 2000s. At that time, 211 species of fungi and fungal-like organisms of different taxonomic groups were listed for the Kholodnyi Yar nature tract. Later, according to our research, the existing list of species was significantly increased. However, such a group of fungi as gasteromycetes was not given enough attention, and information on their distribution in the park remained rather incomplete and limited. That is why the article presents generalized information on the species diversity of gasteromycetes in Kholodnyi Yar National Nature Park. As a result of the study, it was possible to establish the species composition and create a list of gasteroid fungi in the park, which included 42 species. Of these, 25 were recorded for the park for the first time. The identified species belonged to 16 genera, 6 families, 4 orders from the class Agaricomycetes of the phylum Basidiomycota. The greatest species richness was observed in the order Agaricales (24 species) with the families Lycoperdaceae (16 species) and Agaricaceae (8 species), as well as the order Geastrales (9 species). Due to the ecological and trophic structure, most species belonged to the group of saprotrophs (37 species). Of these, 33 species were soil saprotrophs and two species each of xylotrophic and leaf litter saprotrophs. The symbiotrophs were represented by five species (Astraeus hygrometricus and four species of the genus Scleroderma). The analysis of the distribution of species by the main types of habitats showed that the highest index of species diversity of gasteromycetes was observed in forest habitats (32 species), including oak-hornbeam, aspen and pine forests, as well as aspen forests of the park. 10 species of fungi were recorded in the grass-meadow and steppe habitats. In addition, it is worth noting the record of the rare fungus Chlorophyllum agaricoides, as well as the species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine – Mutinus caninus and Myriostoma coliforme.


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