Cicer arietinum L., chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, bacterial preparations.Abstract
The article presents the results of the study of the effect of pre-sowing seed processing with a bacterial suspension of the selected strain of Mesorhizobium ciceri ND-64 (BS) and Rhyzogumin on the accumulation of chlorophylls a and b, carotenoids, and their ratio in ontogeny in the leaves of Cicer arietinum L. variety Pamyat in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Common chickpea is a high-tech legume crop, so the primary task for agricultural producers is to scientifically improve the technology of its cultivation. It has been established that the use of microbial preparations based on Mesorhizobium ciceri in the technology of chickpea cultivation significantly affected the accumulation of chlorophyll a in the leaves during the generative phases of plant development. Their content under the influence of BS increased by 5,9–10,9 % and Rhyzohumin – by 3,3–10,1%. The tendency to increase the content of chlorophyll b in the mesophyll of leaves under the influence of bacterial preparations has been revealed. The accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves depended on the phase of plant growth and development. The highest content of chlorophylls (a+b) has been observed in the leaves in the green bean phase, and carotenoids in the flowering phase. Indicators of the ratio of the sum of chlorophylls (a+b) to carotenoids under the influence of bacterial preparations during the generative phases of plant growth and development did not differ statistically from the control. The introduction of common chickpea variety Pamyat, in the technology of which bacterial preparations based on Mesorhizobium ciceri will be used, will intensify photosynthetic processes, which will have a positive effect on the yield, will reduce the deficiency of plant proteins, improve the phytosanitary and physicochemical conditions of the soil.
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