



washing, wastewater, clothing, textile products, dyeing, dyes, phytotoxicity, soil quality.


The article is devoted to wastewater impact, that generated during textile products use by consumers, on soil quality. The textile industry significantly affects environment. Clothing manufacturers support consumer demand by constantly updating cheap low-quality products range. Low-quality textile products are potentially dangerous for both consumers and the environment. Wastewater is generated at various stages of textile products’ life cycle, also for clothing. The aim of the article is to study wastewater impact, that generated during textile products the washing in individual households on the soil quality. The impact on water resources during each stage of textile products’ life cycle is examined in this work. Special attention is paid to secondary pollution, which is formed during washing, that is important operation of wearing and using finished textile products. It has been established that neglect of technological dyeing processes leads to a low dye absorption coefficient by textile fibres. As a result, during textile products washing, the dye solution enters the city sewer, and then into water bodies. The conducted sociological survey showed a significant prevalence of textile clothes color loss during washing. If cleaning processes frequency is high, it can have a negative impact on the natural environment. The impact on the soil quality during the discharge of untreated wastewater from washing machines in individual households is especially dangerous. In addition, poorly dyed material in direct contact with the skin can have a negative impact on people health. In the experimental part, the physical and chemical properties of wastewater collected after washing denim products were researched. The study found significant pollution caused by chemicals and dyes used in the textiles production and operation. The studied water samples toxicity is finally confirmed by the soils ecotoxicity. It was researched when plants are moistened by wastewater generated during textile clothes washing and rinsing. The results analyses established an obvious depressing effect of experimental water samples on soil quality.


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