essential heavy metals, water resources, monitoring, environmental safety, river basin management, urbanized areas.Abstract
The scientific article presents research findings on determining and predicting the concentrations of essential heavy metal ions (Fe3+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Co2+) in the surface waters of the Teteriv River within Zhytomyr. Monitoring studies of the concentrations of these metals took place during 2018-2023. MPC for heavy metal ions Fe3+, Cr3+, Mn2+, Zn2+ exceeds, which leads to disruption of biochemical processes and physiological functions of living organisms. The concentrations of Cu2+ and Co2+ do not surpass maximum permissible concentrations. Still, there is a potential risk to human health from chronic exposure to low concentrations of cobalt and copper due to long-time influence and possible interaction with other metal ions. Water within the city is characterized by unstable quality due to the content of manganese. Monitoring of the concentration of Mn2+ ions throughout the year showed an increase twice a year – in late spring and early fall. During these periods, the concentration of manganese exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations. The cyclic nature of manganese fluctuations is driven by seasonal changes in water temperature and the intensity of photosynthesis and decomposition of organic matter, which affect the migration and accumulation of the relevant element in the aquatic environment. Due to imperfect wastewater treatment technologies, industrial enterprises are the primary source of heavy metals in surface waters. A significant share of pollution also enters water bodies with surface runoff from urbanized areas and domestic wastewater. A contributing factor in water pollution by heavy metal ions is their release from bottom sediments. The present study’s outcomes inform about measures to restore and manage water pollution within the city and are aimed at protecting the health of the urban population. In order to minimize heavy metal pollution in the Teteriv River, it is necessary to ensure effective treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater, improve the treatment of rainwater from urban areas before it is discharged into the river, introduce a waste sorting and recycling system, promote environmental awareness among the population, and implement sustainable development programs in the region.
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