


industrial heritage, classification of industrial heritage objects, sustainable development, revitalization and transformation of heritage.


Rapid technological development has provoked a radical transformation of traditional industry. As a result, many historical industrial sites and related infrastructure are no longer in use. To save them from neglect or demolition, it is necessary to address the issue of preserving industrial heritage comprehensively, as is done in European countries. After all, industrial heritage is an important asset of industrial regions. With significant historical, scientific, socio-economic, and aesthetic value, it allows us to preserve the memory of the past and enrich the experience of the present generation. Industrial heritage is now taken seriously by academia and is a subject of study in foreign universities. In Ukraine, the issue of protecting and preserving this heritage and its research in the context of geographical, urban planning, cultural, and heritage studies is only now being raised. The key international institution dealing with this issue is TICCIH – the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage. Its aim is to study, protect, preserve, and interpret the remains of industrialization. The study thoroughly analyzed the work of both foreign and domestic experts who highlighted the issues of industrial heritage and various approaches to its classification. Based on the analysis of existing classification schemes for industrial heritage, the author’s vision is proposed, which focuses on the classification of industrial objects by genesis, significance, form of territorial location, tourist potential, etc. As a result of the study, an algorithm for the further use of this heritage is proposed, which includes the assessment and inventory of industrial heritage objects; analysis of opportunities for reuse; development of a concept for the further use of industrial heritage; transformation of heritage on the principles of sustainability according to the most acceptable and demanded scenario; popularization of this heritage and its involvement in tourism; monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of heritage use.


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