air temperature, precipitation, meteorological observations, climate, weather.Abstract
The study focuses on the analysis of data from the meteorological station in Boryspil, Ukraine, for the period from 1976 to 2019, statistically processed into time series and graphs illustrating monthly and annual trends in air temperature and precipitation. The study examines trends in air temperature and precipitation with a focus on localized manifestations as a consequence of global warming. Both global and local air temperature trends show a steady increase, with a slight slowdown in recent years. Seasonal analysis shows faster temperature growth in spring and summer. The distribution of the minimum temperature shows stabilization after 2000, although with an increase in the minimum temperature in January, March, August, September, and December. Analysis of the maximum air temperature shows a downward trend over the last decade, with pronounced increases in July, August, and September, which contrasts with stable levels from January to March. The average annual precipitation in Boryspil is 566.2 mm, the monthly rate is about 47.2 mm, and the number of days with precipitation is 194 per year. The distribution of precipitation has remained stable over the observed period, despite periodic extremes. The impacts of global warming are manifested at the local level through changes in thermal regimes and precipitation patterns, which affect agricultural practices and economic sectors. Adaptation strategies need to take these changes into account to effectively mitigate their negative effects. The study emphasizes the urgent need for ongoing climate research to effectively monitor and respond to climate change. Understanding the local manifestations of global climate trends facilitates proactive measures to adapt to climate change.
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