


anthropogenic landscapes, duality of anthropogenic landscapes, surface layer, underground layer, mining landscapes, residential landscapes, Kryvyi Rih landscape-technical system.


The article provides an overview of the concept of “two-tieredness” of anthropogenic landscapes, which is a key characteristic of the interaction between natural and anthropogenic components in modern landscape science. Special attention is given to the structure of two-tieredness, which includes the surface and underground tiers. The surface tier encompasses visible changes in the landscape, including relief, vegetation, water bodies, infrastructure, and industrial objects that reflect the direct impact of human activity. The underground tier includes deep geological structures, water resources, mineral deposits, mines, and other underground objects that are formed or altered as a result of technogenic activity. The influence of anthropogenic activity on hydrological processes is highlighted, particularly concerning surface and groundwater, and how these changes can lead to erosion, landslides, subsidence, and other ecological problems. The relationship between these two tiers is emphasized, where changes in the surface tier can affect underground processes and vice versa. This interaction is clearly illustrated through examples from mining regions such as the Kryvyi Rih landscape technical system. Particular attention is paid to the Kochubeivskyi mine, which exemplifies pronounced two-tieredness. The mine is characterized by a quarry-waste structure and manifestations of a mining type that arise due to the closed extraction of iron ore. The article also superficially examines the residential landscape of the Kryvyi Rih landscape technical system, which features a complex structure comprising both surface and underground tiers. The surface tier is represented by various elements of the urban environment, such as multi-story residential buildings, industrial enterprises, shopping centers, etc. The underground tier includes the infrastructure of a high-speed tram system that operates on both above-ground and underground lines. This feature is unique to the Kryvyi Rih landscape technical system and underscores the specificity of the local transportation system. The article outlines how mining activity leads to the formation of subsidence relief, which is the end result of rock displacement due to the use of sub-surface collapse.


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