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UDC 911.3 (477)                                                                                  


Kornus Olesia Hryhorivna,
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of General and Regional Geography
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7469-7291
Scopus Author ID: 57198491514
Web of Science Researcher ID: L-7902-2018

The article considers scientific approaches to the study of the population service system. The works of scientists on this topic, first of all Ukrainian researchers are analyzed and the essential features of these approaches are characterized. The anthropogeographic approach focuses on the geography of human, the geography of the economy is considered as a certain side, a property of the geography of human... (at least 1800 characters) 
Key words: scientific approach, geography of the service sector, service system, geographic, social, demographic, cluster theory.

Корнус Олеся. Наукові підходи до вивчення суспільно-географічних аспектів системи обслуговування населення
У даній статті розглянуто наукові підходи до вивчення системи обслуговування населення, що склалися в суспільній географії. Проаналізовано праці науковців, передусім вітчизняних географів з даної тематики та охарактеризовано сутнісні особливості даних підходів. Антропогеографічний підхід концентрує увагу на географії людини, натомість географія господарства розглядається як певна сторона, властивість географії людини... (at least 1800 characters)
Ключові слова: науковий підхід, географія сфери обслуговування, система обслуговування, географічний, соціальний, демографічний, теорія кластерів.

Introduction. In Ukraine, the problems of the social development of the regions are becoming more and more acute and require a scientific justification of the territorial features of the functioning of the social sphere. Given the decline of the social sphere in many regions of Ukraine, these studies are becoming highly relevant. The public service system (PSS), as a component of the social sphere, requires the attention of the state and requires qualitative changes in accordance with the social needs of the population and the new realities of today...

Material and methods. The material of the research was the scientific work in the field of social geography by such scientists as T. Zayats, V. Kutsenko, E. Libanova, K. Nemets, V. Rutgeiser, O. Topchieva, and others. In addition, the differentiation of this scientific direction is observed, a number of sectoral socio-geographical studies are appearing in PSS...

Research results. Common to all developments in the geography of the service system is an anthropogeographical approach. The importance of the human factor has significantly increased in our time in all geographical studies, especially those directly related to the study of the conditions and way of life of a person, including the geography of the service system. According to this approach, the center of functioning of socio-geographical complexes is determined by a person with his needs, interests, and capabilities. He concentrates attention on the geography of man, and the geography of the economy is considered as a certain aspect, a property of human geography. The founders of this direction in Ukrainian geography were primarily S. Rudnytskyi and V. Kubiyovych, partly O. Dibrova. human-oriented service geography is becoming an increasingly important component of socio-economic geography, which studies the territorial organization of social life.

Conclusions. The conducted research made it possible to consider and analyze various scientific approaches to the study of the service system, revealing their main features. Given that the geography of the service system faces a number of tasks, including the study of territorial differences in the needs of the population in various services and the levels of their satisfaction, the levels of service to the population, as well as the analysis of the territorial organization of the service system, the peculiarities of its formation, the patterns of placement of individual centers and service points and their spatial interaction, in its research it should be guided by a significant arsenal of scientific approaches.


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