specialists in socioeconomic, innovative educational technologies, person-oriented educational technologies, simulation technologies, situational learning technologies, heuristic (research) learning technologies, and case technologiesAbstract
The article argues for the feasibility of using person-centered technologies in the training of specialists in the socionomic field. This is driven by the value-oriented nature of the activities of social workers, whose object of work is a person with various problems. Their work requires the use of technologies that prioritize attentive focus on the individual, the student, who gains the highest value in educational activities. The development of a specialist’s ability to navigate in a dynamic, non-standard social situation, to manage it professionally necessitates the introduction of innovative educational technologies into the educational process. These technologies are based on individual-individual relationships that emphasize democracy, dialogic, and reflectivity; this type forms a learning system following the formula: problem-solving activity – reflection – achievement. The use of person-centered educational technologies will help overcome existing contradictions in the training of specialists in socionomic professions. The methodological principles they are based on include the principle of purposeful creation of emotionally enriched educational situations; the principle of personally developmental communication; the principle of using empathy as a psychological mechanism in personality development; the principle of systematic analysis (by the educator) of one’s own and others’ actions. The reasoned expediency of using simulation educational technologies, situational learning technologies, and heuristic (research-based) learning technologies for training representatives of these professions is justified. Key features of using person-centered technologies include motivation for learning among higher education students; formation of a favourable, comfortable, and safe educational environment in the institution of higher education; use of effective forms, methods, and teaching techniques; reliance on the experience, knowledge, skills and abilities of students; students having a sense of control over the process of their learning process; achieving success, satisfying cognitive needs and the need for self-realization; absence of health risk factors; a shift in the content of teaching and the instructor’s stance.
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