experimental research, interactive, interactive learning methods, interactive exercises, communicative competence, communicative skills, education, pedagogy, syntaxAbstract
The article proves that developed communicative abilities reflect a high level of human culture, and therefore the study of syntax within the educational discipline “Ukrainian language” (7th grade) has a leading role. In order to achieve the appropriate level of knowledge and the formation of pupils’ communicative competence, the use of interactive technologies that provide for the active interaction of all participants in the educational process, which creates the necessary conditions for communication, and therefore forms and develops communicative skills and abilities, is relevant. The theoretical and practical principles of using interactive exercises are outlined, the methodology of conducting Ukrainian language lessons with their application are described, and the advantages of interactive exercises are proven. Experimental and research work was carried out, which proved the effectiveness of using interactive exercises for the formation of communicative competence of pupils’ education. The research was conducted in three stages. The first stage is diagnosis (the ability to listen, to express one’s own thoughts, to distinguish essential landmarks in speech, the ability to negotiate, to find a compromise (group interaction) were checked). Based on the results of this diagnosis, a set of interactive exercises was developed, which were systematically implemented in the lessons of various syntax topics (the second stage is formative). At the third stage, a control experiment was carried out, based on the results of which conclusions were drawn about the effectiveness of the work carried out: interactive exercises develop the ability to solve problems of a problematic nature, express ideas, critically analyze, perform creative and research work, etc.
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