professional pedagogical training, master’s students in the pedagogical field, qualification work, pedagogical practical trainingAbstract
The importance of quality organization and interrelationship in the realization of two core components of the master’s students in the pedagogical field vocational training (writing the qualification paper and pedagogical practical training) is substantiated in the article. The authors’ theoretical generalizations testify the presence in pedagogical research specific features that make it difficult to carry out qualitative research during the limited period of master’s educational program. In this regard, the author claims that the integration of scientific-research and practical training should cover all stages of execution the qualification master’s paper and justifies the technology integrated scientific-practical training of master’s students in pedagogical field. The proposed technology bases on the organizational conditions observance, which include the following: distribution the weeks for the master’s student to writing qualification work and weeks for pedagogical practical training between all semesters of study; putting into the schedule of master’s students educational process the weeks for writing masters’ thesis and the weeks for practical training in a row; joining the scientific component to the content of pedagogical practical training, which includes empirical research activities within the theme of master’s thesis; adding empirical materials of the master’s research to the reporting documentation on practice at all its stages. The technology of integrated scientific-practical training includes 3 stages of writing the qualification paper: initial, main and final. According to the author, the proposed technology has advantages over the traditional approach to the organizing of master’s students research work: using the method “dipping” in a scientific problem due to increase the term of its understanding and working with it that positively impact on the masters’ thesis quality; an opportunity for a student of higher education to conduct the necessary empirical research on the basis of pedagogical practical training; an organic combination of the student’s scientific self-development and joint work with a scientific supervisor; interrelated development of various components of the master’s students scientific competence.
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