communication, electronic communication, Internet, Internet discourse, transformer neural networksAbstract
The article asserts that modern electronic communication is shaped by the influence of both verbal and non-verbal resources on message perception. Verbal resources, such as words and their semantic properties, along with an informal writing style, form the emotional tone of messages and impact information interpretation. Non-verbal resources, including emojis, smileys, and emoticons, complement verbal information by conveying emotional nuances and attempting to fill gaps in communication. According to research by renowned contemporary scholars such as I. Karpa, N. Hudz, M. Karpushyna, S. Chemerki, Ye. Kulik, and L. Kompanstseva, understanding and utilizing these resources are crucial for improving communication skills in the digital era. A definition of “computer-mediated communication” (CMC) is provided in the article, and the following main features are highlighted: polyphony, anonymity and remoteness, character replacement in communication, hypertextuality and interactivity, emotional intensity, non-normativity of communication participants, and a tendency towards atypical behavior. Analyzing the characteristics of electronic communication contributes to a deeper understanding of the modern communication environment, helping to trace changes, influences on communicators, and the specifics of using cutting-edge tools to achieve various communicative intentions. Research aids in identifying user needs and developing new technologies or tools that facilitate and enhance user interaction on the Internet. Studying this issue enhances cultural understanding by delving into the cultural differences in communication among people from different parts of the world and the peculiarities of their communication realization in various sociocultural contexts. Therefore, analyzing the characteristics of electronic communication is crucial for the development of contemporary society and for investigating communication processes in the digital age.
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