


journalistic discourse, linguopragmatics (linguistic pragmatics), communicative and pragmatic analysis of discourse, publicistic text


One of the leading areas of communicative and pragmatic analysis of different types of discourse is the study of the peculiarities of its construction in a certain socio-communicative situation, i.e. the effective use of language means to influence the addressee depending on their social orientation. Newspaper discourse is considered to be indicative of the impact on the mass audience and the development of the language system as a whole. In the proposed study, based on the material of modern Ukrainian-language newspaper and magazine articles, authors’ TV programs, social networks, etc., an attempt is made to describe and systematize the components of the communicative and pragmatic plan of journalistic texts. The authors of the research analyzed and summarised modern concepts of interpreting journalistic discourse, characterized its main features; identified the discursive properties of journalistic speech; identified and classified the communicative and pragmatic components of a media text; systematized and formalised the methods of linguistic influence on the recipient within the framework of journalistic discourse in an inseparable connection with its functions. The study defines journalistic discourse as a type of institutional discourse, which is an information-oriented form of communication activity that is embodied through the media and is directed to a wide range of recipients. The communicative and pragmatic approach to the study of the analyzed type of discourse allowed the researchers to consider the journalistic text as a product of the thought and creative process, which consists in the conscious selection of effective communication tactics and effective linguistic means aimed at achieving a global strategic goal, namely, ideological persuasion of the potential reader. A thorough study of multigenre journalistic texts from the standpoint of communicative and pragmatic analysis of discourse allowed the authors to systematize and describe the following components of discourse: communicative and analytical, communicative and situational, communicative and motivational, intentional, linguistic competence, and background knowledge. Further consideration is required for the tools of the linguistics of persuasion, which covers different means and ways of influencing the formation of public consciousness of society as a whole.


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