



picture of the world, term of the tourism sphere, etymological analysis, meaning, structural model, synonym


The article describes the representation of the lexemes “tourist / турист” in English and Ukrainian language pictures of the world. By the term “picture of the world” we mean the way of conceptualization of the world, understanding of the extra-linguistic world by certain ethnic groups and its fixation by verbal means of certain languages. The research is carried out on the material of tourist sphere terms, which perform a communicative function in the professional community, and at the same time they are used by the people who use the services of this sphere. The etymological analysis testified to the Old French origin of the lexemes “tourist / турист”. It is found out that the researched word appeared in the English language much earlier than in the Ukrainian language. It is ascertained that the English lexeme “tourist” is polysemantic while Ukrainian dictionaries fix the term «турист» as a monosemic word. Both words can form word combinations. Seven structural models of word combinations are singled out in the English language; the most frequent of which is the structure N + N. Among multicomponent structures the prevailing is the model N + N + N. As the lexeme «турист» is not used in the function of an attribute in the Ukrainian language there are fewer word combinations with the mentioned word. Only one structure Adj + N is registered. The attention is drawn to the fact that in the Ukrainian language derivatives of the lexeme «турист» are widely used. In both languages there are compound words – affixal derivatives. Synonyms of the lexemes “tourist / турист” are singled out in the research. It is stressed that the majority of English synonyms are ideographic; stylistic synonyms are more characteristic of the Ukrainian language. In both languages there are cases of the professional jargon. It is found out that some Ukrainian terms of the tourist sphere were borrowed from the English language which proves the fact of intense cultural and historical contacts between the people. It is stressed that the lexemes “tourist / турист” have both common characteristics and a specific representation in English and Ukrainian linguistic cultures.


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