


Internet text, language and methodological training, formation, future teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, culture of working with Internet text, content and methodological support, teaching Ukrainian in high school


The article outlines the content and methodological support for forming a culture of working with Internet text in teaching methods of the Ukrainian language. In order to determine the methodological peculiarities of working with the Internet text of future Ukrainian language and literature teachers, the definitional features of the genre and the thematic specificity of the Internet text as a kind of media text are clarified. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and the research work carried out, the key concepts of the study are outlined. The specific features of the Internet text include relevance, interactivity, and hypertextuality. During the study, the emphasis was placed on working with informational speech genres such as blogs and forums, which are most suitable for the methodological training of future teachers to work with Internet texts. Forums and blogs are presented as specific genres of Internet discourse, with an original selection of stylistic means of speech and compliance with the characteristics of online text. A forum is more focused on a specific topic of discussion that can be returned to, while a blog is a constant change of short informational messages, the updates the reader can observe by logging in. As a speech genre of online communication, forums are characterized by interaction: fact-message-discussion, interactive nature of communication, and unlimited time. We define the keyword “culture of working with Internet text” as the psychological prerequisites for perceiving, understanding, and mastering various types of analysis of Internet text and its compilation. The pedagogical partnership of the organizations in which the authors of the article work prompted us to develop exercises and tasks based on materials from regional forums and blogs that best match the characteristics of online text, have rapid dynamics of diversification and allow for a wide selection of thematic panels. In order to form the culture of future teachers’ work with online texts, exercises for the seventh grade according to the New Ukrainian School program were developed and tested as part of the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language. In contrast, testing the developed exercises on the basis of senior classes of general secondary education institutions in Sumy and Chernihiv allowed us to clarify the groups of skills future teachers need to form a culture of work with online texts. The research prospect is to conduct a multifactorial analysis of the influence of the Internet environment on the formation of youth’s linguistic identity.


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