Bible, translation, rhetoric, stylistic figure, trope, artistic expressivenessAbstract
In the proposed study, the lack of research into the artistic and expressive potential of the language of the Holy Scriptures is substantiated, despite its undeniable influence on the stylistic system of the Ukrainian language, the organic nature of its components in both literary, political and media discourses. It has been proven that the texts of the Holy Scriptures represent examples of spiritual eloquence, and to a large extent – poetic, characteristic of artistic poetry; while poetic speech is close to rhetorical due to the richness of tropes and figures of speech; interrelated rhetorical tropes such as metaphor, allegory, simile, and symbol are powerful devices by which biblical thought is shaped. The article visualizes and analyzes certain tropes and stylistic figures reflected in the Ukrainian translation of the Bible. Thus, attention is paid to: comparisons, among which are singled out amplified and expanded ones, which in the biblical text often appear in the form of figurative parallelism, thanks to its growth, a widespread simile is created; an analogy resembling an extended comparison; metaphor close to comparison and its varieties such as personification, metonymy and synecdoche; allegory (it has been confirmed that evangelical parables best represent allegorical prose in the Holy Scriptures), as well as a symbol close to allegory. It was found that in biblical texts one of the most frequent stylistic figures is antithesis (built on the opposition of both lexical and contextual antonyms); great rhetorical significance is attributed to the so-called figures of accumulation - tautology and pleonasm; it is visualized how one of the tools of rhetoric is achieved through tautology - paradox. It has been proven that such stylistic figures as anaphora, epiphora, epanaphora, simploca, rhetorical exclamations, questions, affirmations and denials contribute to the expression of lexical means and the strengthening of their emotional and expressive capabilities.
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