


cooperative strategy, family discourse, harmonious communication, intercultural communication, non-verbal component of communication, verbal component of communication


The article is focused on the study of the principles of ensuring harmonious communication in intercultural family dialogic discourse. The study examines the key strategies for achieving mutual understanding and maintaining constructive relationships in an international marriage, where one of the couple is a native speaker of American linguistic culture, and the other is a representative of French linguistic culture, who speaks English in the marriage. The study of intercultural family communication through the prism of cooperation is becoming relevant in the context of modern globalization processes when the number of international marriages is constantly increasing in the world, which makes it necessary to ensure cooperatively directed communication between communicators belonging to different linguistic and cultural communities. Communication in intercultural families is characterized by situations of misunderstanding due to the different worldviews of the partners. The article analyzes cooperatively oriented communicative strategies used by partners in an international marriage to ensure harmonious communication. The influence of the age component on the communication of intercultural partners is taken into account by comparing the characteristics of three age groups of communicators. Particular attention is paid to the study of the role of non-verbal communication components in the organization of harmonious communication in an international marriage. Non-verbal communication plays a key role in conveying emotions and intentions, which contributes to mutual understanding between partners. The analysis of cooperatively directed communicative situations in intercultural family discourse makes it possible to identify the principles of ensuring harmonious communication. These principles include mutual respect, openness to cultural differences, empathy, and willingness to compromise. The ability of partners to adapt their communication strategies to the context of interaction and the cultural background of the interlocutor plays an important role. Successful application of the principles of harmonious communication helps to strengthen trust between partners and reduce the risk of conflict.


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