


prose, artistic creativity, ideology, power, stylistic manner, artistic thinking


The research focuses on the fact that showing the destruction of the patriarchal world of the Ukrainian village as a heroic struggle between light and darkness, a tragic past and a happy future, transferred to the plan of the present time, glorification of the economic and social innovations of the Bolsheviks, related to collective farming, determines the general thematic dominant in literature of a socialist orientation. The article focuses on the fact that forced to adapt to the format of the then government, Kost Gordienko changes his artistic preferences and aesthetic orientations, but also masters the methods of developing ideologically oriented prose that corresponded to the voluntarist intentions of revolutionary culture. It is emphasized that Kostya Gordienko’s attention is focused on the problem of the Ukrainian village during the period of drastic social changes, on the topic of the land-nurture and its owners, which was understandable and close to the writer due to many objective reasons. In the picture of the world modeled by Kost Gordienko, the concrete and realistic representation of the Ukrainian village during the period of Soviet “reformation” is fundamental, hence the noticeable stylistic, plot and figurative homogeneity. It is indicated that in order to realize his creative intentions, the novelist uses essay genres, which gave a much larger space for reproducing the dynamics and panorama of the “new time”, for depicting the actual everyday life of “communist life”. The stylistic manner of the writer has a narrative-journalistic and artistic-informative character, characterized by the use of extensive factual material. The conclusions indicate that Kostya Gordienko’s works of 1928–1930, which are diverse in terms of style and poetics, demonstrate the process of the writer’s adaptation to political and ideological requirements: first, the combination of an individual artistic vision and defined political attitudes, then the subordination of artistic thinking to the dictates of power. The most popular small-format genres – essays and short stories – are focused on reproducing the dynamics and panorama of the “new time”.


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