


musical thesaurus, musical thinking, thesaurus thinking, thesaurus thinking style, art, composer’s practice, performance, scientific activity


The article substantiates the significance of the musical thesaurus as a complex organizational and coordination system for processing information, transforming it into knowledge and producing new artistic, aesthetic and scientific values in the compositional, performing and scientific activities of a modern musician. It is noted that the problem of the musical thesaurus is part of the inexhaustible topic of musical thought. The chosen perspective of the research determined the reliance on the list of scientific works on musical thinking and the musical thesaurus. System-analytical, functional, theoretical methods are chosen as the methodological basis of the article. The scientific novelty of the article is: 1) in the problem of the significance of the musical thesaurus as an organizational and coordination system in modern compositional and performance practice, in scientific activity; 2) in the introduction into scientific circulation of the concepts of “thesaurus thinking”, “musical thesaurus thinking” and “thesaurus style of thinking”, which is a further development of the ideas of M. Kalashnyk and O. Samoilenko. A definition of the concepts “musical thesaurus thinking” and “thesaurus thinking style” is proposed. The conclusions emphasize that: 1) thesaurus thinking and the formed thesaurus thinking style of professional musicians is a requirement of all times. However, the problem of their formation is especially acute at the current stage of the development of musical culture and musical art in connection with the rapid expansion of the informational space of human existence as a result of technological and informational innovations, the emergence of new forms of musical art, and a change in the paradigm of composer creativity; 2) the systematicity, scope and flexibility of the musical thesaurus are factors in the completeness of deciphering the complexly organized musical works from the point of view of the meanings embedded in them.


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