musical art, accordion art, quarter-tone accordion, concert, genre, style, microchromaticsAbstract
The article is devoted to the work of the modern Finnish composer and musical experimenter Sampo Haapamäki, in particular his contribution to the development of the genre of concerto for quarter-tone accordion with orchestra. The place of the concerto genre for quarter-tone accordion with orchestra in accordion art is analyzed. The vectors of S. Haapamäki's compositional activity are revealed, as well as the composer's contribution to the popularization of the quarter-tone accordion, quarter-tone guitar, and quarter-tone piano. The influence of the Finnish accordionist and composer V. Kujala in popularizing the music of S. Haapamäki and the genre of concerto for quarter-tone accordion with orchestra in general is traced. The structural features of the quarter-tone accordion, the complexity of its production and operation are considered. A comprehensive compositional analysis of the Concerto for quarter-tone accordion with chamber orchestra «Velinikka» has been carried out. The semantics of the title of the work, which is a neologism directly related to the name of Veli Kujala, and the word harmonikka have been studied. The influence of the style of expressionism on the formation of the form of the work, the melody and the harmonic basis of the Concerto is determined. The influence of the aesthetics of destructivism and deviance in the specified composition has been revealed. The peculiarities of the use of specific performance techniques of playing the quarter-tone accordion are analyzed, in particular, various combinations of microtonal glissandos and clusters. The specifics of the use of microtonal signs of alteration in the «Velinikka» concert have been revealed. A compositional and performance analysis of the Concerto for quarter-tone accordion, quarter-tone guitar and orchestra «Conception» by S. Haapamäki has also been carried out. The evolution of the composer's thinking regarding the genre of the concerto for quartertone accordion with orchestra «Conception» is traced. The relationship between the aesthetics of expressionism and destructivism is emphasized in this concert. The use of modern compositional writing techniques and original compositional solutions in the specified work has been identified. The importance of artificial dimensions in the formation of the composer's concept in the II part of the Concert is analyzed. The signs of penetration of jazz stylistics in the 3rd part of the Concerto and their place in the enriched genre-stylistic palette of the concerto genre for quarter-tone accordion with orchestra are revealed. The relevance of further scientific explorations devoted to the elucidation of genre-stylistic and linguistic-stylistic features in the Concertos for quarter-tone accordion with orchestra in the work of modern foreign composers have been determined.
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