didactic game; pedagogical patronage; design competence; pedagogical workers of inclusive resource centers; individual educational trajectory; students with special educational needs; speech activity; non-verbal children; delayed psycho-speech development; communicative activityAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the peculiarities of the use of didactic games when conducting corrective and developmental classes in inclusive resource centers. As part of the research, the documents of inclusive resource centers, lesson plans and attendance logs were analyzed, which made it possible to highlight the specifics of the use of didactic games for the development of speech and cognitive processes in children with special educational needs (SEN). Children studying under pedagogical patronage can receive correctional and developmental services in inclusive resource centers. Depending on the level of support and the child's needs, classes with a speech therapist teacher, a practical psychologist, a defectologist teacher, and a rehabilitation teacher can be prescribed. It has been established that children who study under pedagogical patronage and attend corrective and developmental classes at the IRC are children with complex developmental disorders (with intellectual disabilities, systemic underdevelopment of speech, ASD, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, etc.) and mostly with 4-5 levels of support. It is emphasized that didactic games are an effective means of speech development, allow to activate cognitive processes, stimulate interest in learning. The specifics of the use of didactic games for children with various types of disorders, in particular with cerebral palsy (CP), autism spectrum disorders (ASD), intellectual disabilities (IP), have been determined. Analyzed how games can be used to develop articulation, vocabulary, social skills, etc. An important aspect is an individual approach to each child. The effectiveness of using games largely depends on taking into account the specifics of development, interests and needs of each student. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to select games that correspond to the child's level of development and his individual characteristics. The obtained data have practical value for specialists of inclusive resource centers, teachers, parents/legal representatives of children with special needs. The provided recommendations on the selection of games and their adaptation for children with severe disabilities can be used in remedial and developmental classes, lessons and during homework.
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