geographic information systems (GIS), GIS training, students of various geographic specialties, differentiated approachAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of geo-informational training of students of geographic specialties, which consists in determining the ways of applying GIS within the future professional activities of students of various geographic specialties. The training is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of the use of geoinformation systems and technologies, which contributes to the formation of geoinformation competence based on a differentiated approach. A differentiated approach involves the provision of educational material in various fields and the acquisition by students of various geographic specialties of various geo-informational practical skills. The implementation of geoinformation technologies in the educational process opens up new opportunities for better training of geography specialists. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to both the pre-geoinformational training of students and the formation of the content of geographic disciplines and methods of presenting material in accordance with various specialties. Students should be introduced to the functionality and performance of existing GIS software packages and open software products that can be recommended for use in the educational process. This will provide grounds for forming a sufficient level of competitiveness of future specialists in accordance with the chosen specialty. The use of GIS in the training of geography specialists contributes to the formation of geo-informational competences and provides a qualitatively new level of acquisition and generalization of knowledge, skills and abilities.
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