sociological survey, frontline communities, rural tourism, development prospects, cluster cooperation.Abstract
The article is devoted to clarifying the prospects for the development of rural tourism in the frontline communities of Ukraine in the postwar period. According to the results of the questionnaire survey of tourism business owners, employees of tourist infrastructure and attractions, members public organizations of tourism direction and officials of the executive power coordinating tourism activities in the frontline territories of Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, Sumy and Kharkiv), the main directions of activity and prospects for the development of rural tourism were found out. The questionnaire included 25 closed and open-ended questions with the use of Google-form tool concerning different directions of tourism business activity and its location (urban or rural areas). The questions of the questionnaire provided for finding out the level of respondents’ involvement in rural tourism before the war, revealing their opinion on the types of tourism that will be in demand in their community after the end of hostilities, and the prospects for the development of rural tourism in frontline communities after the end of the war. It was found that 52,1% of respondents believe that rural tourism as a type of tourism will not be in demand after the end of the war. Respondents from Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions consider rural tourism as unpromising (more than 50% of answers). Only respondents from Sumy region believe that rural tourism will be in demand after the war, although even in this region only a relative majority (44,8%) of respondents are optimists. From a comparative geographical perspective (urban and rural residents) 67,5% of respondents from Dnipro region, 63,6% from Zaporizhzhia region, 60% from Sumy region, 66,7% from Kharkiv region, and 46,7% from Donetsk region rural tourism is not considered promising after the end of hostilities. In the rural areas of these regions, significantly more respondents consider rural tourism to be promising (40% of respondents from Dnipropetrovska, 33,3% from Donetsk, 75% from Zaporizhzhya, 66,7% from Sumy, and 61,5% from Kharkiv regions).
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