organic products, organic production, Sumy region, population health.Abstract
This paper analyzes the dynamics of organic production in Ukraine, the characteristics of organic products, their impact on the environment and human health. It is shown that Ukraine has significant potential for organic production, however, some regions are significantly lagging behind in this direction compared to others. Sumy region is an example of such a low level of popularity of consumption and production of organic products. Studying the level of public awareness of organic products is important and necessary for understanding the prospects and barriers to the introduction of organic production at the local level. Therefore, a survey of the population of Sumy region of different ages was conducted to determine the level of public awareness of the benefits of organic products, consumer preferences and their readiness to perceive organic products. The results of the study show that almost half of the respondents have partial knowledge of organic production, while 8% of the respondents have no knowledge of it at all. Most people understand what organic products are and believe that they are good for their health because they contain fewer harmful chemicals. It was found that the main sources of information about organic production are social media and educational institutions. The role of television in this aspect turned out to be less significant. The authors identified the main factors influencing the choice of the population, including the higher cost of organic products, the lack of such products in stores and insufficient awareness of their advantages and features among consumers. Most of the respondents believe that the production of organic products should be developed in Ukraine. Based on the results of the survey, a number of recommendations were formulated for the further development of organic production in Sumy region and the popularization of organic products among the population.
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