electronic text, personal web page, linguist, addresser, addressee, communication, presentation, source of information, pragmatic orientationAbstract
The typology of English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages is suggested in the paper. This typology was built taking into account a number of the following criteria: 1) according to the addresser orientation; 2) according to the functioning in various spheres of communication; 3) according to the type of presentation; 4) according to the primary/secondary source of information; 5) according to the pragmatic orientation. Within each criterion, appropriate types of English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages are distinguished. According to the addresser orientation, there are collective and individual English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages. On the other hand, English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages are scientific and information-andreference texts based on their functioning in various spheres of communication. Consequently, according to the type of presentation, English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages are divided into narrative texts, reflection texts, and definition texts. In their turn, according to the primary/secondary source of information, English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages can be both primary and secondary texts. Finally, according to the pragmatic orientation, English electronic texts of linguists’ personal web pages are divided into texts aimed at informing, texts aimed at ascertaining and polemical-and-hypothetical texts. It is noted that the texts aimed at ascertaining are represented by such subtypes as texts stating the theoretical propositions of the scientific research and texts stating the results of experiments. Accordingly, polemical-and-hypothetical texts are divided into hypothetical and discussive-andpolemical texts.
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