high-school girls, strength fitness programs, physical preparednessAbstract
The actuality of the problem. The analysis of the factors, that causes the emergence of different pathological conditions of high-school students, demonstrates the disadvantages of physical education at schools’ and out-of-schools’ ways of work, that affect the high-school students’ health condition and physical preparedness. In the modern scientific researches, it is assumed that theoretical and methodological reasoning of imposition of fitness into the system of school’s physical education will contribute to the improvement of physical preparedness and motivate to physical activities, physical development, health promotion, socialization and self-determination among teenagers. Research methodology. The research and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, educational experiment, pedagogical monitoring, psychological and educational methods, testing, the methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the study. We took into consideration physical efficiency of high-school girls by developing strength fitness programs. The results of the testing show that the level of physical preparedness of highschool girls is low. The high-school girls predominantly have the average level of competency within strength and strength-speed quality. The low level of competency in physical preparedness is detected within speed, flexibility, endurance and agility. Therefore, the level of physical preparedness of high-school girls is predominantly low or average, resulting in necessity of additional and focused physical activity. Following the application of training using the strength fitness programs, the results of the pedagogical experiment prompt the conclusion that the level of students’ physical preparedness was improved (Р < 0,001). Conclusions. Considering this concept, we proposed recreational program for high-school girls, which includes the process of harmonious development of physical qualities based on use of means of strength training.
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