



health saving environment, pupils’ health saving and promotion, model of health saving environment, technologies by health, schoolchildren


Ensuring the conditions for the proper formation and development of the child's body involves identifying the characteristics and trends of children's health, identifying priority problems, and justifying ways of prevention. The relevance of creating a health saving environment of a general secondary education institution is confirmed by the State Program «Education» and the «National Doctrine of Education of Ukraine in the 21st Century», the tasks of which are the all-round development of a person, the formation of his spiritual, mental and physical health. The goal is to substantiate the need for the introduction of health-preserving technologies and the creation of health saving learning environment in general secondary education institutions of the city. Research methods: the results of medical examinations, the method of assessing indicators of physical development (S. O. Pushkarev index, 1983) and the functional state of the cardiovascular system (the method of assessing the adaptation and reserve capabilities (ARM) of the students' organism (Polka N. S. et al., 2013). The research involved 775 children aged 6–17 years of primary school in Sumy. The obtained data were subjected to mathematical and statistical processing using the Statistica 6.0 application program. The results of monitoring the health status of students aged 6-17 years indicate harmonious physical development (54,6±2,4%) and an average level of adaptive and reserve capabilities (64,8±2,3%), which indicates an average degree of risk disease development and health reserve. With age, the specific weight of the group of students with disharmonious physical development with insufficient body weight increases by 13,4%, the share of children with a low level of adaptive and reserve capacity increases by 1,34 times, and the share of children with average and high (1,63 times) levels of ARM. Conclusions. The recommendations for general secondary education institutions of the city regarding the implementation of a fivecomponent model of a health saving environment with the following blocks of health-preserving technologies: educational-educational, sanitary-hygienic, medical, physical culture-improving, and psychological-diagnostic are substantiated.


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