


digital technologies, adaptation, distance learning, electronic educational environment, first-year students, institution of higher education, educational activity platforms


The study is devoted to identifying ways to optimize the process of adaptation to the educational process in the context of distance learning by first-year students in higher education institutions. The importance of the role of digital technologies in organizing the educational process in various types of educational institutions is proved. The use of digital technologies in educational activities contributes to improving the quality of learning, significantly accelerates the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, which enables firstyear students to successfully and quickly adapt to the student environment. The purpose of the study is to theoretically analyze and substantiate the effectiveness ofdigital technologies use for the adaptation of first-year students in the educational process. Research methods: in the course of the study we used theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the problem of freshmen adaptation and the creation of a single electronicThe method of systematization, comparison, and generalization of data was also used, comparison, generalization of data obtained in the process of studyingscientific and pedagogical literature. The study analyzes the problem of first-year students adaptation to the conditions of studying at the university and characterizes its types, social and psychological aspects. The theoretical material on the essence of distance education, its principles andof distance education, its principles, specific features and impact on the adaptation process of of first-year students, etc. The article emphasizes the relevance of creation of an electronic educational environment of the university, which is considered as a systematicallyorganized a set of information, technical, educational and methodological support in the form ofin the form of technical and software tools for accumulation, storage, processing and transmission of information that provides prompt access to learning resources andprovides educational or scientific communications between the university administration, academic staff, students and trainees. Considering the problem of electroniceducational environment, its specific features have been identified, and the conditions of efficiency and principles of use. Special platforms are characterized for communication between participants in educational activities: Moodle, Google Meet, Zoom, Viber, Messenger, e-mail, etc. We analyzed these platforms in terms of terms of advantages and disadvantages for users. A survey was conducted among 1st year students majoring in 017 "PhysicalCulture and Sports" was conducted to find out which platform was most often used by 1st year students during the 2022–2023 academic year to organize distance learning. The results showedthat the vast majority of students choose Zoom and Viber. If the main platform is unavailable, students chose Viber and email as backup platformschose Viber and e-mail as backup platforms. The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning identified by studentsare systematized. The generalized results are presented in the form of a table.


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Адаптація студентів нового набору. URL:

Дистанційна освіта. URL:

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