



training process, football, modern technologies


In the article, the author established that as a result of increasing the level of training of football players and competition in football, there is a need to improve training methods, increase the effectiveness of management of the training process, and continuously improve coaching qualifications. The international experience of training athletes in football was analyzed in order to improve the methodology of training students of the primary training group specializing in «Football». It has been confirmed that new methods and training programs are constantly in place for the training of football players in the State University of Youth and Sports, and complexes of exercises with the use of modern equipment are being developed. It has been established that the search for new ways of improving motor skills, technical and tactical skills and improving the effectiveness of the game, both for athletes of the initial training groups and for highly qualified football players, is gaining relevance today. It was determined that every year more and more noticeable changes in sports are taking place under the influence of scientific discoveries, for example in the field of genetics, physiology or kinesiology. It has been studied that the ratings of the senior national teams and the results of the last World Cups clearly demonstrate the tendency of growing imbalance in national football. Characterization was carried out and differences in the training of football players in the process of football development in Ukraine were determined. An analysis of pedagogical technologies was carried out to improve the system of training football players. In the article, the issue of the international experience of initial training in football with the aim of improving the playing technique of young football players is discussed. The activities of cultural, physical culture, and sports institutions in 2017 were analyzed and it was established that the number of people involved in various types of youth sports is increasing in the period 2003–2023.


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